Beanpole's 'Bean'...

Yep, you guessed it! That corny,tacky and ear-destroying pun is the name of this page!
Beanpole's Bean will show all the interesting place's I have been! Note: This may not be posted the Day or Week I did it.

St. Serf's Cave, Dysart, Fife

St Serf's Cave is a very Historic place in Scotland. St Serf was supposedly a Pope from Rome who came to Dysart (which means 'Desert') in 56? AD and found a Cave. He and his Monk's meditated there as it was peaceful and could be cut off from the outside-world by the Sea. Then thousands of years later a group of Nun's came and made the Carmalite Monastery right next to it. It has been closed of for thousands of years from the Public, but in Fife it was Open Doors Day, where people open Restricted Access place's to the Public! And the Carmalite Nun's decided to open it to the Public, they are very nice Nun's. Me and My Family minus my Mum and Sister, went to go and see it. The queue went on for HOURS! But eventually we got there. It was extremely interesting!
Here are the Pics:

It was very dark inside, so these pictures came out the best and had no People in them!


  1. Post a Comment on what you think about where I have 'Bean' and what I have 'Bean' doing! I will stop giving you horrible puns now.
    Beanpole Away!

    1. Those puns are so cheesy they're actually making me laugh! Oh Matthew, they're so bad!

  2. I love open doors day! We always go on a day out! :D
