Wednesday, 12 September 2012

Top Ten...

Yes, I am trying this out! Every Monday, I will post my Top Ten. I think it is supposed to be Sunday but I am doing ot on Monday, cos' everybody hates Monday's and I will cheer you up!
This is Neevie's Idea her Blog is here: and someone else who is doing it:
Right lets go!

Right! My Top Ten this week is... DRUM ROLL!

My Top Ten Websites. Yep, I am going there, but dont close the tab in disgust! I am NOT a Nerd. Just a crazy fanatic!

Here we go!

At Number 10..
Minecraft Official Site!
I am a very avid Gamer, so this site is the one for one of my Favorite PC games!

Number 9...
Sims! My Favorite PC game.

Number 8...
Totally Neevie! A blog owned by a very suppportive friend!

Number 7...
Take the Capitol Tour! A site for all you Hunger Games Fans!

Racing Round the Bend at Number 6...
Youtube! Yes, Youtube, that wondeful treasure trove of videos!

Halfway There at Number 5...
Doctor Who! The Epsidoes that are supposed to be scary make me laugh!

Filling Up Space at Number 4...
Google Images! The Hub of Pics!

At Top Three with Number 3...
Apple! The Inventors of what I call the Greatest Tech EVER!

1 away at Number 2....
Google! The most Famous Search Engine ever!

The Website of Everything Number 1...
Empty Space Here! Yep I am the most boastful human on Earth!

That took forever but next time it will be alot better!

Hoped you liked it!


  1. NOT a nerd? Matthew, Really? You are a LITTLE bit of a nerd, but in the best possible way :D Also, MINECRAFT? Matthew, not only have you let me down, not even the whole class... scratch that, the whole SCHOOL! NO, worst of all... you have let YOURSELF down! haha! That's what me and Jim always say to each other!

  2. Really! I know In do COME ACROSS as a Nerd, but I am NOT one!
